Brexit, Borders and the Book of Ruth – session 5


Belfast Cathedral invites the public, politicians, business people, students and anyone with an interest in public theology to a series of five lunchtime events focused on Brexit during Lent.

Wednesdays in Lent is a collaboration between the Cathedral and the Corrymeela Community. The programme is entitled ‘Theology in the City – Brexit, Borders and the Book of Ruth.’

Beginning on March 13, and continuing on March 20 and 27 and April 3 and 10, each session will run from 1.05pm until 1.50pm. You may wish to join us for Holy Communion from 12 noon until 12.30pm. Refreshments for the Wednesdays in Lent talks will be available from 12.30pm, or bring your own lunch!

This series is facilitated by Glenn Jordan from Corrymeela.

Today's session is:

The Political importance of Compassion

The elaborate legal procedure in chapter 4 may seem archaic but it hides a radical approach to the issues of land, ownership, identity and relationships. It also highlights the social importance of compassion. How do we ensure kindness and compassion are part of the national and international reconciliation process after March 29th?

Belfast Cathedral Wednesday 10th Apr 2019 13: 05 - 13:50