Monday to Wednesday in Holy Week


From Monday 15th April to Wednesday 17th April, all are invited to Special Choral Evensongs at 5.30pm.

At the heart of these Holy Week Evensongs, each night the choir will sing an anthem from the powerful St John Passion written by the contemporary composer Bob Chilcott. Evensong will also include a short meditation by the Cathedral clergy on ‘People of the Passion,’ and a congregational hymn.

Monday 15th will focus on Peter, and the music list is as follows;

Responses: Collins

Psalm: 78, v. 1-17

Canticles: Statham in E minor

Anthem: Miserere, my Maker (Chilcott)

Tuesday 16th focuses on Thomas and the music list is as follows;

Responses: Ebdon

Psalm: 84

Canticles: Dyson in F

Anthem: Christ, my beloved (Chilcott)

Wednesday 17th focuses on John and the music list is as follows;

Responses: Ebdon

Psalm: 89, v. 1-19

Canticles: Plainsong

Anthem: Away, vain world (Chilcott)

Belfast Cathedral Monday 15th Apr 2019 17:30