24 January Sunday Services
Sunday 24 January is the Third Sunday after the Epiphany. It also falls within the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and so material within the service reflects this theme.
Today Morning Worship will be livestreamed only, as the cathedral is closed to public worship during the present period of lockdown.
The service is led by the Dean. The preacher is Gillian McGaughey, Diocesan Reader, with music provided by Matthew Owens and India Chapman Webb. The Anthem is "Ubi caritas" by Maurice Duruflé.
Below you will find orders of service that can be downloaded and used at home. The Morning Service of the Word will be streamed live at 11am, and can be accessed through the Belfast Cathedral Facebook page. This can be easily accessed by clicking on the link below:
Later in the day, you can listen to the service on the Telephone Audio Service by phoning 028 9532 0355.
For cathedral parishioners who are eligible and wish their name added to the Cathedral Register of Vestry Members, the form for application is found on page 8 of the morning service sheet, with instructions at the Notices section.
A Service of Evening Prayer is also available for private use.
Next Sunday, 31st January, morning worship from Belfast Cathedral will be a radio broadcast of Sunday Morning Worship at 8.10am on BBC Radio 4. The service will also be available later in the day on BBC Sounds.
Please continue to stay safe, and watch the website and social media pages for updates.