
from St Anne's

27th September Choral Evensong

In partnership with the Down, Dromore and Connor Organ Scholarship Board, we welcome to Choral Evensong, the members of the Board and Board Tutors, along with  current Organ Scholars, and all who enjoy the work of organists and choirs in the parishes of our dioceses.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, tutoring has not been possible since March of this year, so the final year scholars have not been able to complete their training. However, this year's service will celebrate the ministry of all church musicians through the period of the pandemic.

The Preacher at Evensong will be the Reverend Julie Bell, member of the Scholarship Board, and a minor canon of Belfast Cathedral. The Readers will be Lady Brenda Sheil and Mr Gerald Hill, both members of the Scholarship Board

The Organist will be Mr Jack Wilson, and the Cathedral Choir will be conducted by Mr Matthew Owens. Music before the service will be "Rhosymedre" by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the closing voluntary will be "Litanies" by Jehan Alain. The setting is by Henry Clucas, and the Canticles from "Evening Service in D" by Sir George Dyson. The Anthem will be "Antiphon" also by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Following guidance issued by the Northern Ireland Executive, and endorsed by the Church Leaders, all attending are to wear face coverings as they arrive and leave the cathedral, at times when social distancing will be difficult. During the service, while seated at 2 metre distance, members of the congregation are encouraged to wear face coverings. However with a change in the advice given by the Executive on singing, the Bishop of Connor has indicated that quiet congregational hymn singing,while still wearing face coverings, is permitted and encouraged.

Please note that seating will be allocated from the front as members of the congregation arrive. And at the end of the service, after the organ voluntary, the congregation will be guided to leave from the back seats to those at the front. Those who belong to the same household will be able to sit together. However those from different households will be asked to sit separately. At present the cathedral has seating for 100 worshippers.

If you are following the service from home, the Order of Service can be downloaded below.



27th September Service of Choral Evensong Download