
from St Anne's

28th June Cathedral Morning Worship

Belfast Cathedral - 28th June Cathedral Morning Worship

Please join us at 11am for Cathedral Sunday morning worship on 28th June, the Third Sunday after Trinity.

Service led by the Dean and Canon Mark Niblock. Readings by Barbara and Michael Callender. Address - the Reverend Janice Elsdon. Harpist -Tanya Houghton.

The service is accessed on Facebook or YouTube. To access on Facebook, either click on the Facebook "F" icon at the very bottom of this News page, or click on the underlined link below. For those who don't have a Facebook page, please click the "not now" option when prompted to sign in.

To access the service on YouTube, please got to the YouTube Website and search "Belfast Cathedral" OR click on the link below:

Those without internet connection can listen to the service on our Telephone Audio Facility, please phone 028 95 320355 and follow the instructions given.

This morning's service sheet can be downloaded below, for your own use or to share with a neighbour.

Although the Northern Ireland Executive permits church services to resume from 29th June, 2020, we shall continue to provide on-line cathedral services throughout the month of July. (In July, the cathedral will not be open for Sunday services. However, on Sundays in July the cathedral will be opened for Private Prayer only between 12 noon and 2pm).

The cathedral will re-open for 11am Sunday Worship, within the permitted Covid-19 restrictions, on Sunday 2nd August, once restrictions have been lifted for all people who are currently shielding. Further information will be posted over the coming weeks.

28th June - Sunday Morning Service Sheet Download