3.30pm Sunday 21 May- A Service of Thanksgiving for those who funerals were curtailed by Covid
All are invited to a special service of Choral Evensong at Belfast Cathedral to Remember with Thanksgiving the lives of those whose funerals were curtailed by the restrictions of the Covid pandemic. The service starts at 3.30pm on Sunday afternoon 21st May.
For many of the families and friends of those whose funerals were held in the early months of the Covid restrictions memories remain raw. Numbers who could attend a funeral service was severely restricted. Travel was difficult, and many of our familiar ways to offer comfort at a time of grieving were not permitted.
Now three years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, St Anne's Cathedral offers a service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving within the beautiful setting of Choral Evensong.
With a particular focus on the life of Hazel McCalister, whose funeral was held in the early months of the pandemic, this service is open to all who wish to remember a loved one whose funeral was restricted by the strict Covid regulations applied from the start of the pandemic.
Sunday's service will include a sung setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Philip Moore (his Second Service). The 23rd Psalm is set to a chant by Belfast Cathedral's former Director of Music, Dr Harry Grindle. The anthem is the popular Clare Benediction by John Rutter. Hymns will include "Be Thou my Vision" and "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
Many of those who died during the months of the pandemic are also remembered through the cathedral's own Covid project of support "Lives Reflected", with personal tributes and memories contained within the dedicated website http://www.livesreflected.org