
from St Anne's

31 January Sunday Services

Belfast Cathedral - 31 January Sunday Services

On 31st January, our cathedral morning service will be a radio broadcast of Sunday Morning Worship at 8.10am on BBC Radio 4 and 10.15am on BBC Radio Ulster. If you can access BBC Sounds, you will be able to listen to the service by clicking the link below:

The theme of the service is "Belfast, a City Shaped by the Sea". The service is led by the Dean's Vicar and the preacher is the Dean. The Lector is Gillian McGaughey, Diocesan Reader, with Intercessions led by the Reverend Colin Hall- Thompson, Chaplain to Belfast Port and to the Mission to Seafarers Northern Ireland. Music is  provided by four members of the Belfast Cathedral Choir, in compliance with social distancing regulations, and under the direction of Matthew Owens. The organist, and pianist is Jack Wilson.

Music includes "Kyrie" by Gabriel Fauré, "The Lord is my Shepherd" by Franz Schubert, and the Irish Blessing by Bob Chilcott. The final voluntary is "Improvisation No 7" by Saint-Saëns.

The service will remember those whose lives were lost on this day in 1953, with the sinking of the MV Princess Victoria Stranraer to Larne ferry. The service will also mark that over 100,000 lives have now been lost across the UK to the current Covid pandemic.

Below you will find orders of service that can be downloaded and used at home. The Radio 4 service will be a slightly abridged form, and the Radio Ulster service will be the full content of the order of service.

Later in the day, you can listen to the service on the Telephone Audio Service by phoning 028 9532 0355. 

A Service of Evening Prayer is also available for private use.

The featured image is a section of the cathedral's Titanic Pall, remembering the lives lost in that tragedy of 1912.

Please continue to stay safe, and watch the website and social media pages for updates.


Sunday 31 January Morning Worship Download
Sunday 31 January Evening Prayer Download