Calendar of Special Services for Advent and Christmas 2023

Each Sunday in December, for the four Sundays of Advent, our regular service Choral Eucharist, with the choir of Belfast cathedral will be held, starting at 11.00am. All are welcome
Sunday 3rd December – 8.00pm Advent Processional Carol Service. “E’en so, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come.” Featuring the Choir of Belfast Cathedral, based around the Advent Antiphones, and with readings, anthems and congregational carols, this atmospheric Service of Lights will see the cathedral turn from darkness into light. All are most warmly invited to share this service.
Sunday 10th December – 3.30pm – “Light up the Night – An Occasion for Remembering” A Service of reflection, remembering and hope for all who lost a loved one during the Covid restrictions. Facilitated by Cruse Bereavement Services and Funeral Partners.
In addition, the cathedral will be open from 1.00pm to 6.00pm to allow for those who wish to reflect and remember outside the context of the service, and for those who wish to add their symbol of remembering to the trees which will be placed in the cathedral aisles.
Sunday 17th December -3.30pm – “Carols in the City”, with familiar readings, uplifting Christmas anthems and popular congregational carols. This Festive Carol Service in the week before Christmas, is an opportunity for all to join with the choir of Belfast Cathedral in preparing for the festival of Christ’s birth. All are welcome.
Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve - 8.00pm –
The Belfast Cathedral Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Please join the Clergy, Canons and choir of the cathedral, as we prepare for Christmas with this ever popular Cathedral Carol Service. We hope for a packed cathedral on Christmas Eve.
Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve -11.00pm – The First Communion of Christmas, with the Cathedral Choir and clergy, and with Bishop David McClay as preacher.
Monday 25th December, Christmas Day – 11.00am – Festival Choral Eucharist for Christmas Day. Preacher: Rev Cameron Mack, Deacon Intern. Celebrant, Bishop Trevor Williams.
Sunday 31st December, New Year’s Eve – 11.00am – Morning Eucharist to mark the End of the Year. Led by the Dean of Belfast.