
from St Anne's

Cathedral Sunday Services in November

Belfast Cathedral - Cathedral Sunday Services in November

This month please join us for our cathedral services as follows:

Sun 6th     11.00am   Service led by Rev Ron Elsdon. Preacher: Rev Janice Elsdon. Celebrant: Rev Dr Maithrie White.

3.30pm Royal Irish Regimental Service of Remembrance. Preacher: Lord Eames

Sun 13th - Remembrance Sunday NB 10.55am Start. Service led by Gillian McGaughey and the Dean. Preacher: Rev Ron Elsdon. Celebrant: Revd Janice Elsdon

3.30pm    Service of Choral Evensong with the Choir of Holywood Parish. 

Sun 20th - The Kingship of Christ - Sunday before Advent  11.00am   Service led by Rev Dr Maithrie White. Preacher:  The Dean. Celebrant: Canon Will Murphy

3.30pm    Service led by Canon Raymond Fox

Sun 27th - ADVENT SUNDAY   11.00am  Service led by Rev Janice Elsdon. Preacher: Canon Raymond Fox. Celebrant: The Dean

3.30pm  Service for Advent Sunday led by the Dean

You are also invited to our lunchtime prayers at 1.00pm on weekdays in the cathedral.

The month of November with its darker nights, is a month of Remembrance and Remembering. From All Saints' Day on the first of the month, through to Armistice Day on 11th November, and Remembrance Sunday on 13th, we take time to remember.

We remember before God those individual people: parents, family or friends; who have  shaped and molded our own lives, those we see no longer, but whom by faith we have entrusted to God's sure keeping.

We also remember before God the sacrifice of those who have suffered through wars and conflicts  past and recent, in our own province and across the world, and those who laid down their own lives in the violence of war to win our freedom. And we do so in the context of a continuing war in Ukraine, a war that has engulfed both soldiers and citizens in its horrors. So we continue to pray for the ending of warfare in that country and in many other countries in Africa and around our world today.

However, it is our November Season of Remembrance which leads us to the Sunday before Advent and the Kingship of Christ. So we prepare not simply for Christmas, but before, with the season of Advent. And this year Advent Sunday falls on the last Sunday of November.

This season of Advent calls us to look seriously at our world and our lives as they are, before the bright light of God's gaze and presence. And in this way we will properly prepare for our later Christmas celebration at the Christ child's coming anew into our lives and our world.