
from St Anne's

Prayer resources during the closure period

Belfast Cathedral - Prayer resources during the closure period

Prayer resources during the closure period

Although public worship has been suspended Belfast Cathedral is maintaining its ministry of prayer in the midst of this difficult time, encouraging private prayer and devotion to continue.

Sunday services of Mattins and Evening Prayer for use at home are being posted on the Cathedral websit to encourage private devotions and to inform spiritual practice in what is a quite new setting of social isolation. These services can be downloaded from the website.

Additionally, there are a number of excellent online prayer resources.

The Church of Ireland provides daily worship and can be found at:

The Corrymeela Community is adding a new prayer every day of the developing situation:

The Sacred Space website, run by the Irish Jesuits, is very useful:

And, of course, there is the website of the Church of England:

We hope these links will be helpful in providing content to inform personal spiritual practice, and articulating the message:

Social Isolation does not mean Spiritual Isolation!

So please join us in the vital work of prayer, remembering loved ones, friends, neighbours, colleagues, political leaders and one another. And, of course, a great many people need prayers of blessing and protection in the frontline roles they have in policy making, researching, treating, and safeguarding public safety. During this Lent season, let us be encouraged by the Ash Wednesday Gospel reading, in which Jesus, referring to unobtrusive acts of engagement with God, makes the promise that, “your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”