Services Sunday 1 May

Today the Belfast Marathon takes place in the city, and traffic disruption will affect access to the cathedral. For that reason we are offering the following services on Sunday 1 May 2022:
At 11.00am there will be a said service of Holy Communion (1662) in the Quire, with tea and coffee following.
The 3.30pm Choral Evensong will be the main service of the day, with the Dean of Belfast as preacher. The music will be as follows:
J G Walther Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei ehr
Ayelward Preces and Responses
Psalm 1 (chant by Beale)
Moeran Evening Service in D
Philip Stopford Collect of St Philip and St James’s Day (world premiere)
Johann Pachelbel Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei ehr
We respectfully ask you to wear a face covering when moving inside the building. However, face coverings may be removed when you are seated.
A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.
For information a map of the Belfast Marathon Route can be accessed at
A street by street description of the route is found below