Sunday 12th June Trinity Sunday

Please join us at 11.00am on Sunday Morning, 12th June 2022 for Cathedral Choral Eucharist at 11.00am on Trinity Sunday. The service will feature both the Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral Children’s Choir.
The service is led by Melanie Sloan. The preacher is Dean Stephen Forde. The celebrant is the Reverend Janice Elsdon. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.
The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is Mess Es dur by Josef Rheinburger. The Communion Anthem is Holy, Holy, Holy, music composed by Franz Schubert and sung by the Cathedral Children’s Choir. They will also sing the Gary Davison setting of the Lord’s Prayer.
The service will be followed by Tea or Coffee which once again will be served at the West End of the cathedral.
At 3.30pm there will be Cathedral Choral Evensong featuring the UK Premiere of Carson Cooman’s “Third Service”, and also Matthew Owen’s anthem “God the Holy Trinity”.
Organ Prelude – Prelude on ‘Nicea’- by FL Calvert
Preces and Responses – Howard Skempton
Psalm 73 vv1-3, 16-27. Chants: Buck and Cooper
Carson Cooman – Third Service (UK Premiere)
Anthem- “God the Holy Trinity” by Matthew Owens
Organ Postlude – Hymn d’Actions de Grâces by Jean Langlais
The wearing of face coverings is now a matter of personal choice. Out of respect for others you may wish to wear a face covering when moving inside the building. Face coverings may be removed when you are in your seats.
A copy of both services can be downloaded below on Sunday 12th June.