Sunday 24 April 2022

Please join us at 11.00am on Sunday Morning, 24th April, 2022 for Choral Eucharist with Holy Baptism at 11.00am on the Second Sunday of Easter. As we continue to celebrate the hope of Christ’s resurrection for our world, we also welcome Lucy into the fellowship of Christ’s church through her baptism on Sunday morning.
The service is led by Dean, assisted by Rev Janice Elsdon and Melanie Sloan. The preacher is Canon Mark Niblock, who will also be conducting the baptism. The celebrant is Rev Janice Elsdon. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.
The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is Missa Resurectionis by Naji Kakim. The Communion Anthem will be I know that my Redeemer Liveth from GF Handel’s Messiah
Evening Prayer takes place at 3.30pm, with Dr Joe McKee as guest organist. Organ prelude: Folk Tune by Percy Whitlock. Organ postlude: Chorale Prelude "Gelobt sei Gott" by Healey Willan.
We respectfully ask you to wear a face covering when moving inside the building. However if you wish face coverings may be removed when you are in your seats.
A recording of the spoken parts of the Eucharist will be posted below and on the Telephone Audio Service, 028 9532 0355 in the early afternoon.
A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.