Sunday 26th June Cathedral Services
Please join us at 11.00am on Sunday Morning, 26th June 2022 for Cathedral Choral Eucharist on the 2nd Sunday after Trinity. This is the final Sunday when the full Adult Choir and the Cathedral Children’s Choir will be singing together before the summer holiday months of July and August.
The service is led by Mrs Gillian McGaughey. The preacher and celebrant is the Dean. Intercessions are led by Melanie Sloan. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.
The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is “Collegium Regale” by Herbert Howells. The Gary Davison Lord’s Prayer and the Communion Anthem, “O holy Jesus”, the prayer of St Richard of Chichester, set to music by Richard Allain will be sung by the Children’s Choir. The Organ prelude is “Prelude on St Anne” by Healey Willan, and the organ Postlude is Widor’s famous Toccata.
The service will be followed by Tea or Coffee which served at the West End of the cathedral.
Cathedral Choral Evensong will be at 3.30pm, to which all are invited. The final Choral Evensong of June will feature Philip Wilby’s “The Knaresborough Service”, which is included on Cathedral Choir’s recently released CD.
Organ Prelude – Elergy by George Thalben-Ball
Preces and Responses – Humprey Clucas
Psalm 119 vv 153-168. Chants: Wadeley and Knight
Philip Wilby – The Knaresborough Service
Anthem- Setting of Psalm 90 by Ralph Vaugh Williams
Organ Postlude – Empyrean by Francis Pott
Throughout July and August, 11am and 3.30pm Cathedral Choral Services will continue, with ensemble groups from the cathedral choir and also visiting choirs. Please check Facebook postings and the Cathedral Website for further details.
The wearing of face coverings is now a matter of personal choice. Out of respect for others you may wish to wear a face covering when moving inside the building. Face coverings may be removed when you are in your seats.
Service Sheets for both services are provided below
Please note that next Sunday afternoon, 3rd July, the Cathedral will be hosting a "Saying Goodbye" Service with the Mariposa Trust. This will be a special service for anyone who has lost a baby in pregnancy, at birth or in early years, and for those grieving never having had a child.