
from St Anne's

Sunday 27 March 2022

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday 27 March 2022

You are welcome to join us for Choral Eucharist at 11.00am on Sunday 27 March 2022, which is the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Mothering Sunday. The celebrant is the Dean and the preacher is Melanie Sloan, Student Reader at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. Don't forget the time change on Saturday night! Clocks "spring forward" one hour, so you will have one hour less in bed.

For this week only all seating rows (spaced 1m apart) are in use. We ask that 1 vacant chair (1/2m) is kept between groups. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.

The musical setting for Choral Eucharist will be Communion Service in C minor by Sir Charles Woodand the Communion Motet, sung by Belfast Cathedral Children's Choir, will be Ave Maria by Simon Lindley.

Choral Evensong takes place at 3.30pm:

Bridge Andante moderato in C minor

Ayleward Preces and Responses

(with Stone Lord’s Prayer)

Psalm 126 (chant by Ware)

Blow Short Service

Parsons Ave Maria

Howells Master Tallis’s Testament

Following the downgrading of Covid restrictions to guidelines we respectfully ask you to wear a face covering when inside the building during the service, but especially when singing the hymns.

Social distancing guidelines should be observed during and after the service.

A recording of the spoken parts of the Eucharist will be posted below and on the Telephone Audio Service, 028 9532 0355 in the early afternoon.

A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.

Sunday 27 March Choral Eucharist Download
Sunday 27 March Choral Evensong Download
Eucharist Audio Recording Download