Sunday 29 November Advent Sunday Morning Worship
We welcome you to join with us remotely as we share Morning Worship for Advent Sunday. The service will be led by Dean Stephen Forde and Gillian McGaughey, Parish Reader. The organist is Matthew Owens, Director of Music, with soloist Caolan Keaveney.
Drawing some elements from this year's Advent Carol Service (cancelled due to Covid Restrictions) the 11.00am morning service will include the seven traditional antiphons of Advent, declaring seven of the scriptural titles by which God’s Anointed One will be known. Each antiphon refers to a prophecy of Isaiah for the coming of the Messiah. Each plainsong antiphon will be sung by our cantor, during which a candle will be lit.
Organ Voluntaries will be "Nun Komnn, der Heiden Heiland" (BWV 659) and "Präludium c-moll" (BWV 546 i) both by JS Bach
The service will be live-streamed at 11am, and can be followed on the Belfast Cathedral Facebook page:
The order of service can be downloaded below.
Please also visit our "Lives Reflected" project "Acknowledging the Impact of Covid-19"