
from St Anne's

Sunday Service 11th April

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday Service 11th April

You are welcome to join us in person at Belfast Cathedral or online at 11.00am on Sunday 11th April, 2021, which is the 2nd Sunday of  Easter. The service will be a Service of the Word.

The preacher is Mrs Gillian McGaughey, Diocesan Lay Reader, and the service is led by the Dean, the Very Reverend Stephen Forde.

The soloist is Matthew Quinn and organist Jack Wilson.

The Anthem is "O Lord, increase our faith" by Henry Loosemore.

The service will include a prayer of thanksgiving in commemoration of the life of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, whose death was announced on 9th April.

Those attending are reminded to wear face coverings and to follow Covid guidance requirements during and after the service.

For those unable to attend in person the service will be livestreamed.


The Order of Service can be downloaded below.

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, whose life will be remembered in today's intercessions.

11th April - Sunday Morning Service Sheet Download