Sunday Services 13 February
You are welcome to join us at 11.00am on Sunday 13 February 2022, which is the Third Sunday before Lent. The service will be Sung Eucharist, with the Reverend Janice Elsdon as celebrant and Canon Mark Niblock, Dean's Vicar, as preacher. Today the Dean is preaching in St Ann's, Dawson Street, Dublin, at their annual 'Black Santa Service'.
Please note that seating will be by alternate rows, and we ask that 2 vacant chairs (1m) be kept between groups. Tea and coffee is now being served once more following the Eucharist.
Belfast Cathedral Choir is taking a half-term break, and so the service will be sung by a cantor, the musical setting being Missa parvula by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. The Communion Motet will be Blest are the pure in heart by Anthony Baldwin.
A said service of Evening Prayer, with hymns, will take place at 3.30pm.
Those attending services are reminded that, by law, face coverings must be worn when entering, exiting and moving around within the building, and while singing. We also request that they are worn throughout the service.
Social distancing requirements should be observed during and after the service. Holy Communion will be in one kind only.
For those who wish to listen to a recording of the spoken parts of Choral Eucharist, a recording will be posted here later in the day, as well as on the Telephone Audio Service, 028 9532 0355.
A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.