
from St Anne's

Sunday Services 26 September

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday Services 26 September

You are welcome to join us in person or online at 11.00am on Sunday 26th September 2021, which is the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. The service will be Choral Eucharist with the Reverend Dr Maithrie White as preacher and the Reverend Janice Elsdon as celebrant.

The musical setting for the Eucharist is the Missa Brevis by Benjamin Britten. During communion the choir will sing Love divine, all love's excelling by Howard Goodall.

Those attending this service are reminded that face coverings must be worn when entering, exiting and moving around within the building. We request that they also be worn during the service itself, but certainly during the parts of the service where there is congregational singing.

Social distancing requirements should be observed during and after the service. Holy Communion will be in one kind only.

The service will be livestreamed through the cathedral Facebook page:

If you are unable to attend in person or online the spoken parts of Choral Eucharist can be accessed through the Audio Telephone Service later in the day by dialing 028 9532 0355. A copy of both orders of service can be downloaded below.

The 3.30pm service will celebrate the Centenary of the formation of Royal British Legion. The anthem will be Turn back O Man by Gustav Holst. For this service there is reserved seating for invited guests, which has taken us to full capacity in line with guidelines and Church of Ireland policy.

Two Exhibitions are currently on display in the Ambulatory: “Everday Objects Transformed by the Troubles” by Healing Through Remembering, and Lise McGreevey’s photographic exhibition “Abandoned – Not Forgotten”

Sunday 26 September Choral Eucharist Download
Sunday 26 September RBL Centenary Download