
from St Anne's

World Book Day – The Korean Prayer Book

Belfast Cathedral - World Book Day – The Korean Prayer Book

The Cathedral is home to a very special book, the Korean Prayer Book, and it is one of our most prized and unique Regimental artefacts.

It’s an exquisite hand-made Prayer Book which was presented to Captain James Majury (later Major General James Majury) in a Korean prison camp in August 1953. It’s made of rice paper and is now very fragile. Its contains a selection of prayers taken from British American prayer books that allied prisoners of war had in their possession at the time of their capture.

James Majury’s father had been a Presbyterian Minister, so when the Gloster Regiment’s padre was removed from the prison, James Majury took on the role of camp chaplain.

The book was made under conditions of great secrecy and danger and its one of our most prized possessions